Our Parisian Adventure

Recently, my wife, Jayne, and I and our family visited the city of Paris. Although this was not my first time, my family had never been there before and were hardly waiting to experience the culture and the history.

This trip was a departure from our other trips in that all of our site exploration was contained within Paris itself. In the past, our explorations involved the “spokes of the wheel” approach to the surrounding areas outside of the visited city.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from my abstracted muse of inspiration. After all, it was just a large city. Sure, there was history, which is what I enjoy, but then every city has some history, right? And this trip for us was more about the sense of family. There was little time for me to do my “photographic thing”, that is, use a tripod, contemplate the abstraction of the scene, etc.

What I came away with was a wonderment of inspiration that was devoted to multiple themes at the same time! This was a first for me!

Rather than go chronologically through our discoveries, I decided to go through some of the theme candidates: catacombs, church interiors, night sights, day sights, storefronts, streets, versailles, windows.

The first one for today’s article is church interiors. The pictures below are from the inside of Notre Dame  and its gothic architecture .

Notre Dame1

Notre Dame2

Notre Dame3

Notre Dame4

The next pictures are from Sainte-Chapelle . It has one of the most extensive 13th-century stained glass collection anywhere in the world. This was one of the “wow” moments I experienced during our trip.





Over the next few blog entries, I will highlight some of the other possible themes mentioned above. So stop back over the coming weeks to see more of our Parisian adventure.
