Parisian Impressions
As a final look at our recent trip to Paris, I have put together a gallery of black and white impressions that I feel best summarize our experience. There is nothing more important than family, and to have ours accompany us was a special treat with memories that will last a lifetime.
From an artistic perspective, I was surprised by the mini themes which surfaced throughout the short week we were there, despite the family distractions. You can read more about these and the sights themselves in previous blog articles, starting with this one .
Although at this point, no specific project has surfaced, it is fair to say that the impressions made during our adventure may come to influence other projects in the future.
You can view my photographic gallery, Parisian Impressions , here.
Enjoy life!
Thanks so much, Beverly, especially coming from a talented artist as yourself. The touch of color just seemed like the right thing to add.
I really appreciate that, Judi.
Jerry! You really nailed it. Great work. I particularly LOVE that B/W picture of the artist with his canvases in color! Nice work…
What a magnificent set of photos, Jerry! You have become an amazing photographer and I know this new passion gives joy to you and all of us who are lucky enough to view your work. Thanks so much for sharing your gift!