A Me Update
I suspect a few people have been wondering about my recent health. So here is a quick update.
I have been struggling with a progressive lung disease since 2015. The doctors do not know the cause. They have labeled it as severe asthma/COPD, though I have never been a smoker. I have been fighting multiple lung infections and pneumonias which have landed me in the hospital on numerous occasions. In fact, I consider myself a “frequent flyer” at UConn John Dempsey Hospital in Farmington, CT. Currently, I am at 25% lung capacity, and on supplemental portable oxygen. Needless to say my level of photographic activity, as well as daily activity and quality of life, is becoming increasingly restricted.
I am 70 years old and not the only artist in the world who has had to cope with limiting health issues. People in my age group seem to have two things in common: health issues and family issues. The key is not to give in to the abandonment of one’s creative passions, or life activities for that matter. The scale of involvement and level of participation may change daily requiring a redirection of one’s energies, but the need to move forward becomes increasingly important in order to maintain a sense of personal value and contribution.
My challenge pales in comparison to what many other people endure daily. For example, terminal illness, chronic severe pain like spinal issues. That said, I guess the point I am trying to make here is, in order to maintain a positive attitude, the way to move forward is to acknowledge that life can still truly begin at the edge of your comfort zone.
Enjoy your life while you still have one!