Our Parisian Adventure 5

Creepy! That word best describes the experience of visiting the famous Parisian catacombs . The dark underworld  of the tunnels is sure to spur a restless night or two among those who visit! As one of the stories goes, the shallow mass graves, especially the largest cemetery in Paris, Les Innocents, eventually began to poison the […]

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Our Parisian Adventure 4

Another theme which surfaced for me during our visit in Paris is something I’m calling “Parisian Frontage”. I was especially enamored by the tastefully decorated city windows and storefronts. I guess you can say that about any place you go, but there is a certain charm about the ones in inner city Paris. These are […]

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Our Parisian Adventure 3

This is my third installment highlighting some of the multiple themes that emerged for me during our recent family trip to Paris. How could I not have some images of the City Of Light ! The difficulty was not so much what to shoot, but how best to capture something so iconic that depicts the appropriate […]

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Our Parisian Adventure 2

I want to spend a little more time with the architecture of Notre Dame . This cathedral is the most famous example of French Gothic architecture. It dates back to the 12th century where the present structure replaced a previous church burned in a fire. This cathedral is also a UNESCO World Heritage  site. For Christians, […]

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Very Sad News

It is with heavy heart that I morn the loss of one of photography’s greatest educators and inspiration. Michael Reichmann, founder of the Luminous Landscape, has died after a battle with cancer. Michael and his Luminous Landscape website has been responsible for my earliest technical and aesthetic training as an artist. His insights and his […]

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