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The South Rim Statement

The South Rim

How many more pictures of the Grand Canyon do we really need to see? There are so many famous artists and photographers who have been there and done that better than any image I can ever hope to produce. And yet, somehow, enough is never really enough, though, is it? Whether or not it is your first in-person visit to this one of the original natural wonders of the world, the experience will leave you both humbled and feeling small. If even for a short time, you can forget about your worries, even the pandemic!

The images in this book represent the combined effort of three separate visits by me and my wife, Jayne, over the years of 2009, 2015, and 2021. This is through my eyes, my heart, my soul, my impressions of the South Rim. Follow the changing light with me, from sunrise, to afternoon, through sunset.

Enjoy life!

*** Any image found in this series or on my website is available as a print purchase! Just email me at

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