Marketing 2016 Report Card

In an earlier post , I discussed my marketing thoughts and goals for 2016. Now that 2017 has begun, it is time for my marketing report card.

My goal simply is to get my artwork in front of as many different pairs of eyes and at as many levels of viewer participation as possible with the hope that this may open doors of opportunity previously unknown or unavailable to me in the past.

So, here were my results…

Solo Exhibitions
“Made In The USA”
Office of the Secretary Of The State Of Connecticut, Denise Merrill
Connecticut State Capitol Building
Hartford, CT

“Scenics And Abstractions”
Office of the Secretary Of The State Of Connecticut, Denise Merrill
Connecticut State Capitol Building
Hartford, CT

“Moorish Influences”
PhotoSynthesis Gallery
Manchester, CT
Sold several pieces…

Juried Shows
One accepted piece:
“Kasha-Katuwe Slot”
Blank Wall Gallery
Athens, Greece
My first European exposure…

“People In Relationship With Nature”
First Place for
“Topsy Turvy“
CT Audubon Society Center
Glastonbury, CT

Public Collections
Office of the Secretary Of The State Of Connecticut, Denise Merrill
Connecticut State Capitol Building
Hartford, CT
My first public collection…

Jerry Grasso designed clothing line on the artist clothing website, Vida
My first available art-based merchandise…

I was asked and paid to provide photographic and digital dark room training to several private individuals and a public organization.

Crown Jewel
Although unplanned by me, a magic door of opportunity opened when I was asked by the Connecticut Secretary Of State, Denise Merrill, to be the exclusive photographer for the Connecticut Electoral College vote. This was a paid gig and a chance to be included and witness a major Connecticut moment in history. I was extremely honored and humbled by this selection.

This came about as a result of trying to book a venue to show my work which led to a series of “being in the right place at the right time” events. Read about it here , and then this led to another opportunity here .

Electoral Vote

It has been said by others far more knowledgeable than me that art is 20% inspiration and 80% perspiration, especially in terms of getting more eyes on your art. Doors of opportunity don’t always open when you make plans, but sometimes paying the dues of hard marketing work does pay off. As Dr. Louis Pasteur said more than a century ago, “Fortune favors the prepared mind“. So, start with a formal, preferably written plan, and who knows what may happen! Phew! What a year this has been!

Enjoy life!