Lens Focusing Tips

While trying to learn how to use my Canon 5Ds, especially in regards to capturing the the best picture quality this camera has to offer, I learned a few things. I set out for my favorite learning area at the beaver pond at Session Woods. I brought my carbon fiber three section Gitzo tripod, my […]

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Sometimes, you need to take a break from project work and just let your creative eyes to have some unstructured fun. This serves to re-kindle the basic joy in discovery photography. The goal here is to react and connect with a new location in a very low-key, emotional way. During a recent trip to Lowell, […]

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Confessions Of A Digital Photographer

Sometimes I think I read too much about photography. I’ll visit some technique blogs, learn a different approach to working with specific camera gear, and try it for a while. Then I’ll read something else and off I am to switching to another style. After a while of this, I found that I really wasn’t […]

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