Latest Travel Updates: Grand Canyon Revisited

With our latest return to Sedona, Jayne and I also wanted to revisit the Grand Canyon . As luck would have it, of course, the day we decided to go turned out to be rainy, cold, and overcast. In fact, as we got closer to the South Gate, the temperature continued to drop, and the rain […]

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Cathedral Rock, Sedona

Latest Travel Updates: Cathedral Rock, AZ

Photographing Cathedral Rock  from Red Rock Crossing  is said to be one of the most photographed spots in Arizona. That said, it is still a great place from which to exercise your photographic eye. Each time Jayne and I visit Sedona, we also hike the Red Rock Crossing trail . This is very short and easy, […]

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More Validation

I recently was informed that an image I submitted to Black & White Magazine was selected for inclusion in the 2016 Single Image Contest issue #113 for the MUSIC/SPORT/DANCE category. I shot this image back in March, 2015 at Newport Beach, CA. You can read about this travel update here.

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Latest Travel Updates: Jerome, AZ

Another stop Jayne and I made was to revisit an artsy town called Jerome . However, before we drove to Jerome, we also revisited Montezuma Castle National Monument . This is an ancestral pueblo cliff dwelling near Camp Verde that was built some time after 1100 AD. It is not really a castle but rather more like […]

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Latest Travel Updates: Kasha-Katuwe

Our last highlighted photo time was in Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument . The name “Kasha-Katuwe” literally means “white cliffs” in the language of the Cochiti Pueblo . These tent-shaped cones represent the effects of wind and water erosion. The park stands between 5700 and 6400 feet above sea level. The hike starts off taking you through […]

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